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Pack Of 5 Body Mist

Pack Of 5 Body Mist

Amna Khadija
SKU: Pack Of 5
In Stock


Dark Kiss: Embark on an alluring adventure with the mysterious allure of Dark Kiss. Let its rich blend of exotic notes wrap you in an aura of intrigue and sensuality, perfect for those unforgettable evenings.

Love Spell: Surrender to the spellbinding charm of Love Spell. Infused with romantic florals and delicate hints of fruit, this mist captures the essence of passion and infatuation, leaving an irresistible trail wherever you go.

Strawberry Bloom: Experience the blissful burst of freshness with Strawberry Bloom. Delight in the luscious sweetness of ripe strawberries, blended with soft florals, for a refreshing and uplifting scent that brightens any day.

Dream: Drift away to a realm of serenity and tranquility with Dream. Let the soothing blend of calming herbs and delicate blooms envelop you in a cocoon of relaxation, inspiring visions of peaceful reverie.

Cherry Kiss: Indulge in the playful allure of Cherry Kiss. Revel in the succulent sweetness of ripe cherries, accented with a hint of tartness, for a vibrant and flirtatious fragrance that leaves a lasting impression.

Each mist is carefully formulated to evoke a specific mood, ensuring there's a scent for every moment and every facet of your personality. Whether you're seeking adventure, romance, rejuvenation, or simply a touch of whimsy, our Body Mist set of 5 is your passport to a world of olfactory delight.

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