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Tasavvur Memories Inspired By VS Crush

Tasavvur Memories Inspired By VS Crush

Amna Khadija
SKU: FM-Memories Inspired By VS Crush
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ML : 50 ML

Notes :
Introducing 'MEMORIES' - an exquisite fragrance crafted exclusively for the modern, dynamic woman. Elevate your senses with this luxurious scent designed to evoke a cascade of memories and leave an indelible impression.
Created for the discerning working woman who embodies grace, resilience, and sophistication, 'MEMORIES' is more than just a perfume; it's a statement of empowerment. Immerse yourself in the delicate blend of floral notes, enriched with hints of exotic spices and woody undertones, to experience a fragrance that captivates the senses and reflects your unique aura of strength and elegance.
Whether you're navigating the boardroom or enjoying a night out on the town, 'MEMORIES' exudes confidence and allure, making it the perfect companion for every occasion. Indulge in the essence of luxury and embrace the timeless allure of 'MEMORIES' – because every woman deserves to leave a lasting impression.

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