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Denasty By Bin Yameen S 07

Denasty By Bin Yameen S 07

Amna Khadija
Out Of Stock


Denasty is an outfit for every occasion. It's self textured fabric adds the essence of sophistication and charisma to your day to day look.

Type: Un-stitched

Stuff/Material Wash and wear/ Soft and comfortable

Cutting/Length: 4 Meters

Width/Arz 55" 56" inches Sheling Shrink Required


Comfortable, Soft-Weight Reliable Stuff

Guarantee of fabric, color-fade, and 100% return policy

Price: 1990 4 Mir

Note: Due to various types of lightings and flash used while photo shoot, or maybe due to the difference in electronic digital device capturing effects and screen resolutions, the design color shade of the product may slightly vary. The brightest stade seen is the closest color to the product.

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