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Exclusive WasitCoat with Kurta Trouser Collection By Hassan Jee D-017

Exclusive WasitCoat with Kurta Trouser Collection By Hassan Jee D-017 Maroon Waistcoat Suit

Amna Khadija
SKU: EWCKWT 24 D-017 3y
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Fabric Details :
• Kurta Trouser Fabric : Soft Wash and Wear 
• Waistcoat Fabric : Self Embroidred on Suiting Fabric 

The maroon color adds a touch of sophistication, and the waistcoat elevates the overall look with its intricate detailing. 
The kurta pajama is a classic and versatile outfit that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. 
Whether you're attending a wedding or a festive celebration, this ensemble will surely make you stand out. 
Plus, the comfort of the wash and wear fabric ensures that you'll feel great while looking fashionable. 
Rock that maroon kurta pajama with confidence!

Product Features : 
• Mandarin Collar 
• Cuff sleeves 
• Straight Kurta and Trouser
• Patch pocket Waistcoat 
• This is a 3 Piece Stitched Outfit 

Additional Details:
Exclusive WasitCoat with Kurta Trouser Collection By Hassan Jee has been styled in the image for photography and illustrative purposes.

The standard style comes as wasit coat with Kurta and Trouser .

The actual color may slightly vary from the image shown. Differences in screens and the device you use to view the website will
result in subtle differences in color and textures.

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