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Women Body Mist Cherry Kiss Body Mist

Women Body Mist Cherry Kiss Body Mist

Amna Khadija
SKU: WBM-Cherry Kiss Body Mist
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Indulge in the delightful and enchanting aroma of Cherry Kiss Body Mist, a fragrance designed exclusively for women.
This exquisite body mist is a harmonious blend of cherry, floral notes, fresh accords, white florals, woody undertones, fruity nuances, and a subtle powdery finish. With its captivating scent, Cherry Kiss Body Mist is the perfect accessory
to complement your everyday style and elevate your confidence.

Key Features:
Fragrance Family: White Floral, Woody, Fruity, Powdery
Long-lasting scent
Convenient spray bottle for easy application
Suitable for all-day use

Scent Profile: Cherry Kiss Body Mist opens with a burst of sweet cherry notes, welcoming you into a world of elegance and allure.
As the fragrance unfolds, delicate white floral accords intertwine with fresh and fruity elements, creating a beautifully balanced
composition. The woody base notes add depth and sophistication, while a powdery touch lingers softly, leaving a lasting impression.

Shake the bottle gently before use to mix the fragrance components. Hold the bottle about 3-5 inches away from your body.
Spray the body mist onto your pulse points, such as wrists, neck, and behind your ears.
Allow the mist to settle and enjoy the long-lasting, captivating scent throughout the day.

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