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Women Body Mist Sunset Amber Body Mist

Women Body Mist Sunset Amber Body Mist

Amna Khadija
SKU: WBM-Sunset Amber Body Mist
In Stock


ML : 125

Experience the enchanting allure of our Sunset Amber Body Mist, a fragrant symphony that captures the essence of a mesmerizing sunset. This exquisite body mist combines carefully selected notes to evoke the warm, soothing embrace of twilight. Let the sweet and tart aroma of Sour Cherry blend seamlessly with the creamy embrace of Custard, while the delicate yet grounding scents of Vanilla and Sandalwood anchor your senses. Our Sunset Amber Body Mist is designed to transport you to a place of tranquility and indulgence with each spritz.

Key Notes:
Top Note: Sour Cherry
Middle Note: Custard
Base Notes: Vanilla and Sandalwood

Product Details:
Packaging: Elegant, bottle with a convenient spray nozzle
Usage: Spray lightly onto your body for a refreshing and long-lasting fragrance experience. Suitable for all skin types

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