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Women Body Mist Dream Body Mist

Women Body Mist Dream Body Mist

Amna Khadija
SKU: WBM-Dream Body Mist
In Stock


Elevate your senses and embark on a journey of pure indulgence with our enchanting "Dream" Body Mist. Immerse yourself in a captivating blend of exquisite scents that will transport you to a world of dreams and fantasies. This body mist is specially crafted for women who appreciate the finer things in life and desire an alluring fragrance that lingers throughout the day.

ML : 125

Fragrance Profile:
Top Notes: Vanilla, Powdery
Middle Notes: Woody, Musky
Base Notes: Amber, Sweet

Long-lasting fragrance that keeps you feeling fresh all day.
Perfect for daily use, special occasions, or just to indulge yourself.
The elegant bottle design adds a touch of luxury to your vanity.

Shake well before use.
Hold the bottle a few inches away from your body.
Spray the mist evenly over your body for a delightful burst of fragrance.
Reapply as needed for a lasting impression.

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