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Tasavvur Mood - EDP 50ML Inspired By Si Armaani

Tasavvur Mood - EDP 50ML Inspired By Si Armaani

Amna Khadija
SKU: FM-Mood - EDP 50ML Inspired By Si Armaani
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ML : 50 ML

Notes :
Our version contains notes similar to those found in Armani, Si.

Welcome to the world of MOOD, where every spray encapsulates the essence of femininity and youthfulness. Designed specifically for the dynamic and vibrant spirits of younger girls, MOOD is more than just a perfume—it's a statement of confidence and individuality.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, MOOD captures the fleeting moments of joy, passion, and excitement that define the modern woman's journey. Its delicate blend of notes tantalizes the senses, leaving a trail of enchantment wherever you go.
With each spritz, MOOD transports you to a realm where possibilities are endless and dreams are within reach. Whether you're stepping into a bustling cityscape or dancing under the stars, let MOOD be your companion, igniting your inner fire and empowering you to embrace life with unbridled enthusiasm.
Indulge in the allure of MOOD and discover the fragrance that perfectly complements your youthful energy and zest for life. Elevate every moment with the irresistible charm of MOOD—it's not just a perfume, it's a mood enhancer.

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