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Tasavvur Oud Wood EDP

Tasavvur Oud Wood EDP

Amna Khadija
SKU: FM-Mood - EDP 50ML Inspired By Si Armaani
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ML : 50 ML

Notes :
Tasavvur Fragrances presents its exquisite perfume, "Oud Wood," a captivating fragrance that combines the richness of sandalwood, agarwood, and pepper in its top notes. These top notes create a warm and spicy opening that immediately grabs attention.
Moving to the heart of the fragrance, you will discover a delightful blend of cardamom, Brazilian rosewood, and vetiver. The middle notes add a touch of complexity and depth to the composition, offering a harmonious balance between woody and aromatic accords.
Finally, in the base notes, Tasavvur Fragrances reveals the enduring and comforting allure of amber, tonka bean, and vanilla. These base notes anchor the fragrance, leaving a lingering and sensual trail that enhances the overall experience.
With its carefully selected ingredients and skillfully crafted formulation, "Oud Wood" by Tasavvur Fragrances is a luxurious scent that embodies elegance, sophistication, and timeless appeal. It is a fragrance designed to make a lasting impression and evoke a sense of intrigue and allure.

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